TensorFlow Tutorial![]() Welcome to the TensorFlow tutorial, TensorFlow tutorial is designed for both beginners and professionals. Our tutorial provides all the basic and advanced concept of machine learning and deep learning concept such as deep neural network, image processing and sentiment analysis. TensorFlow is one of the famous deep learning framework, developed by Google Team. It is a free and open source software library and designed in Python programming language, this tutorial is designed in such a way that we can easily implement deep learning project on TensorFlow in an easy and efficient way. PrerequisitesTensorFlow is completely based on Python. So, it is essential to have basic knowledge of Python. Additionally, a good grasp of the above concepts will greatly facilitate your understanding of TensorFlow.
AudienceStudents interested in Python and working on research and development projects involving different machine learning and deep learning techniques may particularly benefit from this lesson. Data scientists, engineers, and developers who want to employ deep learning in their projects might also benefit from it. This tutorial's objective is to give a thorough explanation of TensorFlow's objects and methods so that students may become proficient in using them. Feedback:This TensorFlow lesson is as accurate and reliable as we can make it. However, if you find any mistakes, have any recommendations for improvement, or want further information on any subject, please don't hesitate to use the contact form to send your comments. We value your opinions very much, and we'll deal with any problems right away. ProblemsWe assure that we will not find any problem with this TensorFlow tutorial. But if there is any mistake, please post the problem in the contact form. Next TopicWhat is TensorFlow |