HCL Recruitment ProcessCompany OverviewHCL Technologies is an IT specialist corporation works in the field of programming improvement. It was established in 1976 and headquartered in Noida, India. The main benefits provided by the company are R&D and Technology administrations, BPO Services, IT Hardware, Enterprise and Applications Consulting, Remote Infrastructure Management, and so on. HCL Technologies are working around the world over 32 nations and has around 116,000+ employees. Eligibility Criteria:
Selection Process:The selection process of the company consists of 3 rounds. These rounds are as follows: The Pattern of Written Exams:
Note: The total time given to the question is 60 minutes. There is no negative marking in the exam.Round 1: The first round consists of 60 Multiple Choice Question. There is no negative marking. This test would cover the following topics. Quantitative Ability
Reasoning Ability
Technical Ability: In this Section, they asked the question on JAVA, Operating System, C++, Networking and DBMS. Round 2: In this round, they asked the technical questions from JAVA, OOPS, C Language, DBMS. Round 3: The third round is HR interview. Students who clear the technical round are eligible for this round. You may expect HR round like:
Most frequently asked technical questions in HCL.
HCL Aptitude Questions1) Nine Person went to a Hotel for taking their meals. Eight of them spent Rs 12 each on their meals and the ninth spent Rs 8 more than the normal use of all the nine. What was the aggregate cash spent by them?
Answer: C Solution: Let the normal consumption of all the nine Rs x 2) A batsman makes a score of 87 runs in the 17 innings and then increase his average by 3. Find his average after 17 innings.
Answer: B Solution: Let the average after 17 innings=x 3) The area between two stations A and B is 778 km. A train front the route from A to B at 84 km per hour and returns back to A with a uniform speed of 56 km per hour. Find the normal speed of train during the entire journey.
Answer: A Solution: Required Average Speed= 4) The total of a rational number and its equal is 13/6. Find the number.
Answer: B Solution: Let the number be x (3x-2) (2x-3) = 0 5) The amount of two numbers is 184. If one-third of the one overtake one-seventh of the other by 8, find the minimum number.
Answer: A Solution: Let the number be x and (184-x). 7x-3(184-x) =168 10 x=720 X=72 6) Ramesh's salary was decreased by 50% and then subsequently increased by 50%. How much percent does he lose?
Answer: A Solution: Let the original annual salary Rs 100 Decrease=25%. 7) The salary of a person reduced by 10%. By what percent should his reduced salary by raised so as to bring it as per with his original salary?
Answer: D Solution: Let's suppose the original salary Rs 100 New Salary Rs.90 Increase on 90=10 8) When the price of a product was decreased by 10%, then the number sold increased by 30%. What was the effect on total revenue?
Answer: A Solution: Let the price of product Rs.100 and let the original sale Rs.100 pieces Then total revenue =Rs. (100x100) =Rs.10000 New revenue=Rs. (90x130) =Rs.11700 9) If the enumeration of the fraction is increased by 15% and the denominator is decreased by 8% then the value of the fraction is15/16. Find the original Fraction.
Answer: A Solution: Let the original fraction Rs. 10) In the new spending plan, the cost of lamp fuel oil ascended by 25%. Of what amount of percent should a man decrease his utilization with the goal that his consumption of it doesn't increase?
Answer: B Solution: ![]() 11) The population of the town is 1,764,000. If it is increased at the rate of 5%per annum, what will be the population 2 years hence? What was it 2 years ago?
Answer: D Solution: 12) A 30% Loss on Cost Price is what percentage loss on Selling Price?
Answer: D Solution: Let CP =100, SP =70 13) A man purchases a book for Rs.29.50 and offers it for Rs 31.10. Discover his gain percent.
Answer: B Solution: So we have C.P. = 29.50 14) A is twice as great a workman as B and together they complete a piece of work in 18 days. In how long will A alone entire the work?
Answer: B Solution: (A 1's day work): (B 1's day work)= 2:1 Hence A alone can complete the work in 27 days. 15) A can do a secure job in 12 days. B is 60% more efficient than A. How long does B alone take to do the same activity?![]() Answer: Solution: The Ratio of time taken by A and B=160:100=8:5 HCL Reasoning Questions1) Find the missing equation in each of the following series:1) 1, 6, 15? 45, 66, 91
Answer: D Solution: 2) 2, 5, 9, 19, 37,?
Answer: B Solution: 3) Newspaper: Press:: Cloth:?
Answer: D Solution: 4) Cattle: Herd::Sheep:?
Answer: A Solution: 5) Mumbai: Maharashtra::Trivandrum:?
Answer: C Solution: 6) Menu: Food::Catalogue:?
Answer: D Solution: 7) In a certain Code, TEACHER is written as VGCEJGT. How are CHILDREN written that code?
Answer: D 8) Anil introduced Rohit as the son of the only brother of his father's wife. How is Rohit Related to Anil?
Answer: A Solution: 9) Pointing out to the lady- Rajan's said: "She is the daughter of the woman who is the mother of the husband of my Mother." Who is the lady to Rajan's?
Answer: A Solution: 10) A man pointing to the photograph says, "The lady in the photograph is my nephew's maternal grandmother". How is the woman in the photo identified with the man's sister who has no other sister?
Answer: C Solution: 11) Find the number that can be put in place of the question mark. 3 12 7 26 15 b?
Answer: D Solution: 12) Find the number that can be put in place of the question mark. 3 12 7 26 15 b?
Answer: D 13) in the series6 4 1 2 2 8 7 4 1 2 5 3 8 6 2 1 7 1 4 1 3 2 8 6How many pairs of successive numbers have a difference of two each?
Answer: C 14) How many such of 5s are there in the following numbers sequence each of which is immediately preceded by 3 or 4 but not immediately followed by 8 or 9?3 5 9 5 4 5 5 3 5 8 4 5 6 7 3 5 7 5 5 4 5 2 3 5 1 0
Answer: C 15) ELFA, GLHA, ILJA, _____, MLNA
Answer: D HCL English QuestionsANTONYMS:1) Capable
Answer: C 2) Swarmed
Answer:d 3) Composure
Answer: D SYNONYMS:4) Thriftiness
Answer: D 5) A sleeping disorder
Answer: B 6) Physically we are presently all neighbors, however mentally. We are ..... to one another.
Answer: C 7) At the point when their examinations are finished, the youngsters happily ..... the books they had been reading.
Answer: D 8) The criminal ...... all the cash.
Answer: B Solution: SPELLING:9) (Choose the correct word)
Answer: A 10) (Choose the correct word)
Answer: D ONE WORD SUBSTITUTES11) Murder of a sibling
Answer: D 12) To cause troops and so forth to spread out in availability for the fight to come
Answer: B 13) A voice sufficiently uproarious to be heard
Answer: A 14) A light cruising watercraft constructed extraordinarily to race
Answer: B 15) One who is responsible for the gallery?
Answer: A HCL Technical Questions1) The FIFO method
Answer: B 2) The register or principle memory area which contains the successful location of the operand is known as
Answer: A 3) A report generator is utilized to
Answer: B 4) Which of the subsequent is a database executive's capacity?
Answer: E 5) Every one of information documents has a _____ that depicts the manner in which the information is put away in the record.
Answer: A 6) When you preclude parameters from a function call, qualities can be given by
Answer:d 7) The primary component in a string is
Answer: B 8) The compiler changes over your C++ guidelines into _____
Answer: B 9) Any #include documents may contain
Answer: D 10) The functions that take static to set the bits of the count is _____
Answer: A 11) Which of the accompanying summation activities is performed on the bits to check an error identifying code?
Answer: C 12) The innovative work office at your office has been exploring different avenues regarding distinctive advances to help enhance the execution of the system. One gathering has been inspecting the utilization of a broadband system versus a based band organizes. Select the right articulation about broadband and baseband.
Answer: B 13) An error identifying code embedded as a field in a block of information to be transmitted is known as
Answer: A 14) The least expensive modems can transmit
Answer: A 15) What is the standard number of bits transmitted at the same time in parallel information transmission utilized by microcomputers?
Answer: B HCL Technical Questions1) Does every class have a Constructor?Yes, every class needs a Constructor. It may be Parameterized or Default. If the user does not define a constructor within a class, the default constructor is always included in that code. The objective of Constructor is to initialize an object called object initialization. Constructors are mainly created for initializing an object. 2) How Java enable High Performance?Java uses a Just-In-Time Compiler to enable high performance. Just-In-Time Compiler is a program that turns Java bytecode, which is a program that contains an instruction that must be interpreted into instruction that can be sent directly to the processor. 3) Why is java considered as dynamic?It is designed to change the evolving environment. Java can carry an extensive amount of runtime information that can be used to verify and resolve access to the object at runtime. 4) What is joins in SQL?Joins is nothing but connecting two or more table to fetch the record from two or more databases. 5) Can we have Private Constructor in Java?Private Constructor is used if you do not want other class to instantiate the object. Private Constructor is used in Singleton design Pattern, Factory Method Design Pattern. 6) Differentiate Between Primary Key and Unique Key.
7) Differentiate between Method Overloading and Method Overriding.
8) What is the purpose of finalize () method in Java?Finalize () method in java is a special method much like the main method in java. Finalize () method is called before garbage collector reclaims the object, its last chance for any object to perform clean up activity i.e. releasing any fixed order resources held, terminating connection if open etc. 9) Why can static method not override?A static method cannot override because the static method is bound with class whereas instance method is bound with an object. Static method belongs to the class area and Instance method belong to the heap area. 10) What is singleton Class?Singleton Class limited the number to one but allowing the flexibility to create more object if the situation changes. 11) Can we override java main method?No, because main is a Static Method. 12) What is Class Cast Exception?Class Cast Exception is thrown by java when you try to cast an object of one data type to another data type. Java allows us to cast the variable of one type to another as long as the casting happens between compatible data type. 13) Why polymorphism is used in Java?The good reason for why polymorphism is a need in Java because the concept is extensively used in implementing inheritance. It plays an important role in allowing the object having a different internal structure to share the same external interface. 14) What is an Abstract class?An Abstract class is one that is not used to create an object. It is only used as base class for the other class. The Abstract class is always public or friendly. Syntax: 15) Can I have Private Constructor in Abstract Class?Abstract Class can have Private Constructor But that class cannot be extended by another class. Alternatively, of adding a static inner class inside the Abstract Class and extends that Abstract Class. HCL HR Interview Questions1) Tell us about yourself.This is the most common questions asked for both fresher's as well as experienced candidates. Well, you should answer this question in the following way:
2) Why should we hire you?As a Fresher, It is a great opportunity for me to work in a good company which helps me for the better career. 3) What is the difference between Confidence and Over-Confidence?Confidence: - I can do it. Overconfidence: - Only I can do it. 4) How do you feel about working nights and weekends?Yes, if the Company needs me then I am ready to work at any time. 5) Can you work under pressure?Yes, I can work under pressure; the pressure is nothing but encourages to do work sincerely. 6) What makes you angry?I get angry when someone putting me down. 7) Where do you see yourself five years from now?I can see myself growing with this company and reaching a position where I become valuable assets for this organization. 8) How much salary do you expect?As a fresher, I would like to prefer Company norms. 9) Why did you leave your previous job?Sir/mam, it's a career move. I have learned a lot from my past job. But now, I am focused on a new challenge. 10) On the scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer.Sir, you are more knowledgeable, more experienced than me I am not on a level to judge you. |