TextaCy Module in Python

TextaCy: An NLP Library for Python

A subfield of artificial intelligence called "Natural Language Processing" (NLP) deals with the generation, preparation, and analysis of human expression. It is a field that has been rapidly developing and has skyrocketed in significantly in recent years. Many libraries and frameworks, notably TextaCy, have been created to do NLP tasks.

SpaCy is the foundation for the Python NLP module TextaCy. It offers a quick, easy, and efficient approach to complete NLP tasks including text summarization, entity recognition, and documents pre-processing. The library's highly adaptable architecture enables users to quickly increase its capabilities to suit their unique requirements. A well-liked open-source NLP package for Python is called Spacy. For carrying out typical NLP activities like tokenization, POS tagging, dependency parsing, named entity identification, and also more, it provides simple-to-use APIs.

It works nicely with those other packages like scikit-learn and TensorFlow and is quick and effective. Spacy is a strong option for NLP jobs involving many languages because it also comes with pre-trained algorithms for a broad range of languages.

Features of TextaCy

  • Connect directly and add custom extensions to the main functionality of spaCy for interacting including one or more documents.
  • Various similarity measures are used to compare strings and sequences.
  • Prior to using spaCy to analyse raw text, clean, normalise, and examine it.
  • Documents are tokenized and vectorized, and then topic models are trained, interpreted, and displayed.

Getting Started with TextaCy

To get started with TextaCy, you first need to install spaCy and TextaCy itself. spaCy is a powerful NLP library that TextaCy is built on, and it can be installed using pip:


Once spaCy has been installed, you can then install TextaCy using pip as well:


Once the necessary libraries have been installed, you may begin utilising TextaCy in your project. You would first import the spaCy language model in order to utilise TextaCy. The following process may be used to accomplish this:


Here, en_core_web_sm is the English language model that is used by TextaCy. You can also use other spaCy language models, depending on your requirements.

Pre-Processing with TextaCy

Text data pre-processing has become one of the major NLP activities. To cleanup and pre-process unstructured text, TextaCy offers a number of pre-processing features.

To purify and prepare the text data, for instance, use the textacy.preprocess text method. It is possible to utilize this method to remove stop words, change the text's format, and remove punctuation, among other things.



example text

The textacy.preprocess_text function can also be used to perform more advanced pre-processing tasks, such as stemming and lemmatization.




Entity Recognition with TextaCy

Entity identification is another crucial NLP job. To retrieve entities from text data, TextaCy offers a number of entity recognition methods.

For instance, you may collect named entities from either the text data using the textacy.extract.entities method.



Apple ORG
American NORP
multinational technology company ORG
Cupertino GPE
California GPE

The entity.label_ attribute gives the label of the entity, as determined by spaCy's named entity recognizer. Some common labels include "PERSON", "ORG", "GPE" (geopolitical entity), and "PRODUCT".

Advantages of TextaCy

  • Offers an advanced Python API for handling text data, making it simple to carry out NLP operations and analyse text data.
  • Contains text data pre-processing and purification features, making it simple to clean and get text data ready for analysis.
  • builds models of machine learning for NLP jobs easily and integrates nicely with other packages, such scikit-learn.
  • Several NLP tasks are offered, including named entity identification, sentiment classification, keyword retrieval, and much more.

Disadvantages of TextaCy

  • Limited range: Comparing to certain other libraries like Spacy and NLTK, Textacy focuses more on dealing with unstructured text information and provides less NLP functionalities.
  • Less well known: Particularly in comparison to other NLP libraries, Textacy has a lower base of users as well as less community engagement, leaving it less open to new users.
  • Less pre-trained models: Textacy has less pre-trained models than Spacy, which might be problematic for customers who desire to interact with text in several languages.

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