Python | Message Encode-Decode using Tkinter

Encryption is the method of converting text or information into an unrecognisable form, and decryption is indeed the method of obtaining the original form of the message from the encrypted one.

The method of message encrypting and decrypting involves first changing the original text into ciphertext, which is a random and meaningless text. This method is known as encoding. Decryption is the process of restoring the original text from the ciphertext. The Encryption-Decryption process is yet another name for this procedure.

The goal of this essay is to use a single key to both encrypt and decode messages. The base64 library and the Tkinter toolkit will be used to build this project.

Users must enter the text to encrypt or decode in this article. The encoding and decoding processes must be chosen by the user in a specific mode. Encoding and decoding operations for the same message must be performed using the same key.

We'll utilise the fundamentals of Python, Tkinter, and the base64 library to develop this project.

A function to encode binary information to ASCII characters then decode those ASCII classic characters to binary data is provided by the base64 module of the standard GUI Python library, Tkinter.

On the command prompt, we use the pip install command to install the library.

These are the steps to develop the Python code for message encoding and decoding.

  • Add a module
  • Establish a display window
  • Explain function
  • Define buttons and labels.

So, this is what this Python project will entail. Let's begin.

developing message encode-decode project steps

Steps for Message Development Encode-Decode

Step 1. Use tkinter import to import libraries

Importing the base64 tkinter libraries is the first step.

Step 2. Make the Tk() root the initial window root.

  • Tk() initialised tkinter, resulting in the creation of a window
  • The window's height and width were set using
  • geometry() to be adjustable (0,0) set the window's fixed size
  • title() set the window's title

One or more lines of text which users cannot edit are displayed using the Label() widget.

The window is referred to as the root.

We display text on the label.

typeface used to write the text.

assemble a block of structured widget.

Step 3. Defining the variables


  • The message to encrypt and decode is stored in the Mess variable.
  • The private key used for encoding and decoding is stored in the private key variable.
  • Trav is employed to choose between encoding and decoding.
  • And save the outcome.

Step 4. Function to encode

Step 5. Function to code


  • Function chr Transform an integer value to a string, then store and return ". Using join(dec), get the outcome.
  • Decode the input material, then output the binary version of the result.
  • The loop was continued until the message was complete.

Step 6. Functioning set to mode


  • This Encode() function will really be called if the user-defined mode is 'e'
  • The Decode() method will be invoked if the mode is set to "d," otherwise, print "invalid."
  • Values from the get private key() and get text() functions are passed as parameters to the encode() and decode() functions.

Step 7. Exit Window:

The mainloop will end when the application is terminated by root.destroy().

Step 8. window reset feature

Step 9. Buttons and labels:

Python | Message Encode-Decode using Tkinter
Python | Message Encode-Decode using Tkinter

Root is the term used to refer to the text that appears in our windows and is displayed in the label font. Insertwidth is used to set it width of a insertion. The textvariable used to fetch the current text is called so when button is clicked. setting the background colour of the cursor to the entry widget root. When we need to launch our application, the method mainloop() is called.


Python | Message Encode-Decode using Tkinter

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