Oserror Python

Python's OS module provides ways for interfacing with the operating system.The fundamental utility modules for Python include OS.

This module allows you to access operating system-specific features on the go.The 'os' and 'os.path' modules contain a wide variety of file system-related functions. The OS module's features aid in tasks involving files, directories, and other OS-related operations.

An OSError is generated whenever this module's functions are supplied incorrect inputs, unreachable file names, or paths. This post will go over the error in great depth.


The name OSError refers to both the error class in the OS module and a Python built-in exception. Errors are raised when a system failure results in one. I/O issues can also result in OSErrors.

OSError may also be triggered if the disc is full or the file cannot be located. Subclasses of OSError include "BlockingIOError", "ConnectionError", "ChildProcessError", "FileExistsError", "FileNotFoundError", and so on.

There are Two Constructors for the OSError Exception:

As a result, the programmer will receive one of two OSError descriptions:

  • exception OSError([arg])
  • exception OSError(errno, strerror[, filename[, winerror[, filename2]]])

The arguments are explained in the section that follows.

The input 'errno' contains the numerical error code. The analogous error message in the operating system is known as "strerror," and it is accessible as the second option.

For errors in file system path-related functions or anything else affecting file paths, the 'filename/filename2' arguments are set. The 'winerror' option is only available in the Windows operating system.

If no parameters are specified, they are set to null.Depending on the final value of "errno," the function Object() { [native code] } returns a subclass of the OSError class.

If handled improperly, exceptions in Python applications can arise for a number of reasons and result in program crashes that involve data loss or, worse still, corrupted data. As a Python developer, you must think about various exception circumstances and include error handling in your code. The OSError is one of the numerous exceptions that Python may raise.

Illustration of OSError

The 'os' module is visible, which is essential for many Python programmes that work with files and directories. As you can see, the print statement is used in the second line to acquire the terminal device associated with the specified file descriptor using Python's s.ttyname() method.

If the supplied file descriptor is not attached to any terminal devices, this code throws an exception.


Oserror Python

Here is AnotherIllustration of an OSError:


Oserror Python

Try...except statements can be used to handle OSError exceptions.



Oserror Python

Let's look at Another Example:



Oserror Python

An os.error exception will be thrown in line 9 when we attempt to open the dm.txt file. This exception will be caught by except block. The console will then display an Error in file: dm.txt.


  • The OS module is imported.
  • The try block is used to run OS procedures.
  • The file path is declared as a variable called Filpth.
  • We use the os.open() method to open the file and generate its file descriptor.
  • To close the file descriptor, we employ the os.close() method.
  • To handle any os.error exceptions, we use the except block.


Python's os.error, which is an alias for the OSError exception, is the error class for all I/O issues. Any method that uses an illegal or inaccessible file path will throw the os.error exception, which is raised by all methods in the OS module.

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