How to install Python in Windows?

Python is the most popular and versatile language in the current scenario. Python doesn't come with prepackage in Windows, but it doesn't mean that Window user cannot be flexible with Python. Some operating systems such as Linux come with the Python package manager that can run to install Python. Below are the steps to install Python in Windows.

Step - 1: Visit Official Site to Download Python Installer

  • All Python-related information is available on its official website. First, open the browser and visit the official site ( to install Python installer. Here, we can see the many Python installer versions, but we will download the latest version of Python.
How to install Python in Windows
  • It will take us on the above page. We can download the latest Python installer by clicking on the Download button. We can also download the older version. Let's see the following example.
How to install Python in Windows

Note - You can choose the Python installer according to your processor. If your system processor has 32-bit, then download Python 32-bit installer, otherwise go with the 64-bit version. If you are not sure about your processor, then download the 64-bit version.

Step -2 Install Python

  • Once the download is completed, then run the installer by double-clicking on the download file. It will ask for Add Python 3.8 to PATH. Click on the checkbox and click on Install Now navigator.
How to install Python in Windows

Now Python is successfully installed in Windows, and you are ready to work with Python.

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